Housing Stability Program
How do I know if I am eligible to receive Emergency Assistance?
In order to apply for Emergency Assistance under our Housing Stability Program, the first step is to go online to www.almosthomeonline.org to complete an application. Applications are open on the 1st of each month from 9am-11am. Almost Home’s Intake Team will conduct a phone intake assessment to determine eligibility and identify the amount of financial assistance available to help resolve your housing crisis. If deemed eligible, an appointment will be scheduled. If you are not eligible, we will provide you with other resources to reach out to for assistance. Assessments are conducted in the order that they are received.
I do not have any children under the age of 18, can you help me?
Almost Home has multiple sources of assistance, our Intake Team will assess you to identify if we have funding available to help.
Can I walk in and receive assistance?
Almost Home does not accept walk-ins for Emergency Assistance under our Housing Stability Program at this time and we are by appointment only. Please call 303-659-6199 or apply online for assistance. Our Housing Navigation Center does accept walk ins and can help you triage your housing crisis and connect you to supportive case management services.
How else can Almost Home help me?
Clients in need of assistance can access Almost Home’s Housing Navigation Center. The Almost Home Housing Navigation Center provides low-barrier access to on-site resource navigation, supportive services, connection to services and a pathway to permanent housing through coordinated entry assessment. Clients accessing the Housing Navigation Center receive personalized support to help address housing barriers such as a lack of personal identity documents, employment connections, housing counseling and education regarding their rights and responsibilities as a tenant and coordinated care to address basic needs and Social Determinants of Health.
How will I know if funding is available?
Funding availability is determined on monthly basis. You will be informed during your phone intake assessment if funding is available. If it is not available, you will receive an email with additional resources and you can re-apply the 1st of the following month.
What are the requirements for Emergency Assistance under the Housing Stability Program?
There are different requirements for each type of assistance. Please see below for each type of assistance. Additional documents may be needed. This will be discussed when your intake appointment is scheduled.
The following documents are required in our
Housing Stability Program
Copy of Photo ID (for all household members over 18)
Social Security card (copy for all household members)
Proof of Income (for all household members over 18)
Copy of signed lease (for households that rent)
Tenant ledger that documents the amount owed (for households that rent)
Mortgage Statement documenting that mortgage is past due with accurate amount owed (for households that own a home)
One of the following:
Foreclosure notice;
10 Day Notice;
Demand for Compliance Letter;
Notice to Quit;
Scheduled Housing Court date.
The following documents are required for
Utility Support:
You must be a US Citizen or show proof of legal residency.
You must provide a Colorado ID for all adults in the household.
You must provide a valid Social Security Card for every member of the household, children included. We will not accept copies of any Social Security Card
Verifiable and ongoing income is not required.
You must be a resident of Adams or Weld County for the last 3 months.
If you are applying for utility assistance during the months of November through April, you must first apply for LEAP prior to applying for utility assistance through Almost Home, Inc. To move forward with an intake assessment you must be able to produce an approval or denial letter from LEAP.
If your total bill is over $1,000 we cannot provide assistance until your bill is less than $1,000.
To apply for assistance and determine eligibility, please complete the online
Emergency Assistance Application.
*Please note: the application for emergency rental, mortgage or utility assistance is available on the 1st of each month between 9am-11am.
CLICK HERE to download a printable form of eligibility requirements and FAQ's.