Happy 4th of July from Almost Home!
Happy 4th of July from Almost Home! We wish you all a safe and joyous celebration filled with laughter, family, and fireworks! As we...

Summer SWAP updates
Please review for details of the summer SWAP program.

Today is the day! Eat at Applebee's in Brighton today and Almost Home will earn 15% back to benefit our organization. Make sure to show...

Join us for Coffee for a Cause
Please mark your calendars to join us on Friday for Coffee for a Cause. This month we will be at Zoe's Coffee in Westminster! We can't...

Concert for a Cause
Do you have this on your calendar yet???? Tickets will be on sale soon.

One Step Closer to Home
Thank you to the Brighton Fire Department for hosting the "One Step Closer to Home" event helping individuals experiencing homelessness...

Join Our Special Events Committee!
We're excited to announce that we're looking to expand our Special Events Committee! This is a volunteer position to help create and...

Fresh newsletter is available now!
Be sure to check out this week's newsletter to find out everything happening at Almost Home. https://mailchi.mp/cb4.../greetings-from-alm...

Did you know...?
How many of you knew that Almost Home has a local emergency shelter that is able to house multiple families experiencing housing...

June Calendar
Take a look at all the events happening at Almost Home in June.