Ways to Give Wednesday
Wondering how you can support Almost Home in our work to make homelessness rare, brief, or one time? Check out these 5 different ways you can get involved!
Donate: One of the easiest ways to support Almost Home is by making a donation. Even a small amount can make a big difference. Give a gift here: https://app.etapestry.com/.../AlmostHomeInc/donations.html
Volunteer: Almost Home is often in need of volunteers to help with events, fundraising, and other activities. Consider volunteering your time and skills. Contact alucero@almosthomeonline.org with questions about volunteering.
Spread the word: Share information about Almost Home on social media, and encourage others to learn more and get involved. Make sure you follow us so you don't miss a thing!
Attend events: Almost Home will be hosting events throughout the year to raise awareness and funds. By attending these events, you can show your support and meet others who share your interest.
Partner with us: If you have a business or organization, consider partnering with Almost Home in our work to end homelessness.
Lets work together to end homelessness!
